What you’re really scared of in sex and intimacy

What you’re really scared of in sex and intimacy

Do you feel afraid or scared of sex and intimacy but don’t really know why? Do you love your partner and would do anything for them but suddenly they approach you and you can feel your guard come up? I’ve noticed that women share a common fear in intimacy (and life) that is holding them back from their greatest potential. Are you ready to find out what you’re really scared of in sex and intimacy?

The real thing that’s holding your libido back

The real thing that’s holding your libido back

You might think that the real thing that’s holding your libido back is being a parent, having a long-term relationship that feels more like a roommate, a high-pressure career, juggling responsibilities…but these things are just consequences of what is really stopping your beautiful libido from stirring you up. Deep breath, the real thing that’s holding your libido back is…not what you think.

How to get your libido back when you've lost it

How to get your libido back when you've lost it

Hello. Hello. Hello. Yes, there is an echo here because I'm at a point in my life where when I call for my libido, I hear something back from it. I get what it's like to be disconnected from your libido. To want it back when you feel like you've lost it. I REALLY don't want it to stay this way for you because your libido has potential. You know how I know? Because I have witnessed so many women source their libidos when they take the time to step back and look back in with fresh eyes…

Women's Internal experience of pain with sex

Women's Internal experience of pain with sex

You don’t need to suffer in silence if your hypertonic (overly toned) pelvic floor is preventing you from experiencing penetration - and I don’t just mean sexual penetration. If you feel like you just can’t insert tampons and you have avoided pap smears for years (because getting the speculum in is challenging) then you could well have a hypertonic pelvic floor. Please watch this…

Why do I shut down in sex?

Why do I shut down in sex?

You’ve shut down in and about sex more times than you can remember. There may have been a pivotal moment you’ll never forget or maybe it was this gradual disconnection that happened over time. Each factor compounding the last. Whatever the origin, I want to give you permission to open and move out of sexual shut down…

Bored with your sex life? What to do when sex isn’t fun anymore

Bored with your sex life? What to do when sex isn’t fun anymore

You’ve got to source the treasure to get to the pleasure…

You can't have a desert in your relationship and expect the bedroom to be in full bloom (well, unless the whole desert thing turns you on.)

So, if familiarity and boredom are the status quo in your relationship then it's time for a shake up. So here it is: a pleasure map containing 10 big tips to source or re-source the treasure in your relationship.

Women: What do you do if you are not sexually satisfied? (rather than pretend you don’t care)

Women: What do you do if you are not sexually satisfied? (rather than pretend you don’t care)

Ahhh satisfaction - that sweet end point where we hunger no more.

But how do we know when we feel it? How do we know when we have arrived? 

Only you can answer that one so if you are feeling like frustration is ruling your bedroom and satisfaction is nowhere to be seen, read this one to make sure you aren't accidentally overlooking your sexual satisfaction (it could well be right in front of you!)

5 ways to get into sex and intimacy on holidays

5 ways to get into sex and intimacy on holidays

Your holiday is booked. You are so ready for the relaxation part but then you get tense thinking about all that time alone with your partner. You know they are going to want to have sex, maybe more often than usual because you are obligation free. Crap. What excuses can you use not to? What new ways can you avoid them? Well, rather than shutdown, I reckon you've got it in you to OPEN up. Here are 5 ways you can do that to make for some good quality holiday sex...

Why you have a high libido (even when you think you don’t)

Why you have a high libido (even when you think you don’t)

You have a big libido. It is boundless and has everything and nothing to do with sex.

Your libido can rage and roar for the non-sexual and leave nothing in reserve for sex.

I have a high libido but it doesn’t translate clearly or directly to sex. My libido is my power source and it can burn so brightly that it burns out. I don’t like to admit this. When I use the word power source, I don’t necessarily mean it as a fuel but representative of my actual power.

Guess what happens when I don’t feel my power?