White Hot Business Trailer

Your Business is about to become White Hot. 

Over more than a decade of working with women as a sexologist, confidante and business mentor, there’s one theme that runs through it all:

How comfortable you are with climax and sexual vulnerability is directly related to how willing and able you are to be in your power and pleasure in business.

(And a more powerful and pleasurable business = a more profitable and satisfying one) 

I’m your host, Lauren White, and as you’ve just heard, I’m here to get real with you about why what happens in the bedroom and your body is influencing your business confidence and visibility…

And what I see is millions of Smart, Switched on, fiercely intelligent women in survival mode in the bedroom and in their business - self-protecting, reacting, shutting down, defaulting into people pleasing, trying to be perfect and saying I’m fine, all the while submitting to the most turned off of them all - the martyr.

Just know if any of that is happening in your bedroom, it's happening somewhere in your business. There’s a connection or mirror and it’s there because it all comes down to your operating system and whether it's on track for being sensual, erotic and Climactic or it's currently in the programming of your good little girl who's doing what she thinks that she should do and what's expected of her… 

Instead of what she actually desires.

White Hot Business is a podcast that’s been luxuriously curated for you - a woman who wants to explore the unspoken parts of herself.

The parts that are secretly running your business. 

We go to the most vulnerable place first because it will do the heavy lifting for you. 

The more you understand, heal, reconcile and express your sexual and sensual energy in private, the more there's that natural domino effect into every other facet of your life and that includes how you show up in your business in the public sphere. 

You learn your boundaries. 

You create standards.

You honour your consent, you learn your preferences.

You speak up for yourself and prioritise your comfort.

You learn to listen to your pulses, you learn to follow what it is that you want. What it is that you desire. You get out of need mode and into that frequency of desire. 

It is all of the inner work in one place.

Be brazen enough to go there and the rest will follow in your business.

This show will guide you to finally become the sovereign, magnetic and sensual woman that stands firmly in her power and pleasure – for more satisfaction and success.

Prepare to get the loving, revealing and truth-telling weekly wisdom you crave so you can transform from having a lukewarm business, to having a business that turns you ON and can only be described as White Hot.