The power and pleasure of a niche business

Rosie Cathro is my white hot guest today - she and I have been working together privately for almost a year and I have witnessed her make absolute magic happen to create what I see as a White Hot Business. With our deep rapport and truth revealing conversation, together we talk about what is required to have a powerful and profitable personal brand that works for you as the business owner. If you’ve ever wanted a look behind the velvet curtain of what it is like to work with me privately, this is it. 


In this episode, you’ll explore and feel empowered to create your own niche business by learning:

  • How Rosie has moved out of people pleasing in her business, trying to work with everyone and how her niche is the key to her success and personal power.  

  • Why she’s chosen her specific niche and how she works with subconscious depths to support her clients to come back into their power. 

  • Some of the metaphorical masks she’s had to dissolve to make her business White Hot

  • The reason behind choosing to work specifically with relationship anxiety and how anxiety tries to control you with the lies it tells about creating a niche business.  

  • Rosie’s business journey that has lead to cataclysmic growth and inner success in a short period of time – spoiler alert: it starts with powerfully deciding. 

  • How signing up to my Climactic program helped Rosie to discover herself personally and professionally and set her up to receive more of what she wanted (and didn’t know she could have) 

  • The ways Rosie has used her own work and methodology during the hard times and what she does to allow more power, pleasure and expansion into her business  


About Rosie

Rosie Cathro is a Certified Hypnotherapist specialising in supporting people who are experiencing intense relationship anxiety and low self worth to return to their secure, calm and confident self. She says: Anxiety always tells the story that this is forever and that's mirrored in the general support world with the message that you just have to accept it... But the truth is that anxiety is an experience you can move in and out of when you do the deep subconscious work that's needed to release it. 

To work privately with Lauren in Climactic and experience business success and inner satisfaction, just like Rosie did, book a Connection Call via the Climactic page here.