The Secrets of Un-gelling yourself from Jealousy | Ep 63

Jealousy is one of the hardest things to overcome.  You may have felt it at some point; that hot and searing feeling in your stomach, a tightness gripping your chest, and your mind racing uncontrollably. While the emotion is normal, most people don’t know how to handle it. How can you stop jealousy in its tracks and how do you catch yourself and get back on track when you feel it? In this episode, I’m going to share the secrets of un-gelling yourself from jealousy - some tips and advice to help you make it something that will fuel you and will generate and contribute to you having a turned on life.  


In this episode, we talk about:

  • What is jealousy and when do you feel it?

  • Tips to help you back on track when you’re feeling jealous.

  • Things you can tell yourself when you’re caught in a moment of jealousy.

  • How to un-gel yourself from the sting of jealousy.

  • The importance of examining jealousy and how to approach it differently from what you’ve always done.



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