The Secrets of Death and Rebirth | Ep 04

Why do we need to break out of our shells and start sharing and revealing our secrets to others? Angel Phoenix, also known as Angela Gallo is a former doula, coach and mentor, astro-intuitive channel, enigmatic eccentric, business futurist and branding boss that gets sensory marketing gamifications and all things sensuality. She is here to wake women up and to remind them that they are alive. In this conversation we talk about secret keeping, our current culture, the new currency of our future and so much more. 


In this episode we discuss:

  • Sharing her bathroom stall moment online.

  • How personal experiences can become cathartic moments.

  • The paradox of keeping secrets to self protect.

  • Reasons why people keep secrets today.

  • Our right or wrong culture.

  • The new currency of our future.

  • Securing a position in society for the future.

  • Angela’s story of loss and rebirth.

  • Words of wisdom for women holding back from sharing and revealing their secrets to other women.

  • Quick shoot questions for Angela.


Angel Phoenix Website 

Angela Gallo Instagram 

The Crystal Ball