Lauren White

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Will you have a Climactic Business in 2024?

As we step into 2024, it's crucial to not only consider what you do - but how you do it.

The energy you bring to your endeavours can be the key differentiator between mediocrity and achieving the extraordinary.

What are you setting yourself up for in the realm of business?

Are you content with the status quo, or are you ready to embark on a journey that leads to a business that is intensely pleasurable, satisfying, and profitable in every sense?

This post will take you on a voyage through the critical elements that will help you achieve a climactic business in the year ahead.

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Harnessing the Power of Decision

You can decide as of this moment, to have a business that feels intensely pleasurable, satisfying, profitable in every definition - we are not just talking money.

We are talking what feels like you are having cataclysmic impact - that is transforming lives and the trajectory that those lives take on. All of this is available to you.

If you don't feel you have a climatic business, right now - if you can't say my business turns me on.

My business does it for me.

My business feels orgasmic.

…then I've got some really specific actions for you today.

This is what I'm always coming back to when it comes to my energy and the energy that is able to then flow through into my business. And that point is really important.

Your business has its own energy, and you have your own energy and you are not your business. But there's symbiosis there. There's a partnership there between your energy and the energy of your business.

Imagine your business as a vast, uncharted territory. It's time to draw a line in the sand, marking a new beginning. The energy you infuse into your business can either propel you forward or keep you stagnant, it's crucial to pause and reflect on your business's trajectory.

Here are multiple ways that you're going to know really clearly whether you're setting yourself up to have a Climactic Business today, in the next week in the next month, quarter or year.

In the past, perhaps you've allowed your business to run on autopilot, making passive decisions and leaving the fate of your enterprise to external forces. But now, as the tides of change surge, it's time to make a conscious choice: Will you be an active participant in shaping your business's destiny, or will you let it drift along aimlessly?

To have a Climactic Business, you must decide to be an active participant. It's about embracing change, challenging the status quo, and taking calculated risks.

It also asks that you redefine success

Success has often been equated with financial gain, but in this new era, it's essential to redefine what success means to you. A climactic business goes beyond monetary profits. It's about having a cataclysmic impact—not just on your bank account but on the world.

Your business has the power to change lives, to transform the trajectory of individuals and communities - Success should feel intensely pleasurable, deeply satisfying, and profoundly impactful.

Embracing Desire

The first step to achieving a climactic business is letting desire lead the way. For many, this shift from need to want can be challenging. Society often conditions us to prioritise needs over desires, making the simple act of saying, "I want this," feel like a daring proclamation.

But it's precisely this brazen embrace of desire that sets the stage for transformation. Instead of succumbing to societal expectations or the ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’ that have held you back, take a moment to sit back and ask yourself, "What would truly turn me on in my business?"

Release the need for justification. Say, "I want this because I want this." This shift in perspective is liberating and empowering. It's about aligning your business with your deepest desires and passions. Start here, and you'll find yourself expanding and setting the stage for a climactic business every day of your life.


Knowing Yourself Intimately

While strategic planning is undoubtedly important in business, it's not enough to drive profound transformation. Your business should be an extension of your authentic self, not just a machine executing strategic manoeuvres.

In 2024, consider your business as a living entity with its own energy and personality. In order to create a climactic business, you must understand not only the mechanics of strategy but the essence of your own being.

Who are you behind closed doors?

How well do you know yourself?

Who are you when things get really, really hard and testing and challenging?

And do you crumble over and over again?

Or do you see it as an opportunity to let something die so that you can rise up?

You need to know all of your parts all of your shadows.

Having a Climactic Business isn't just about the high highs and the ecstasy and the release and the climax and the orgasm.

It's not just about that.

If you think and you're always gunning for the high highs, you are missing the deep depths where I believe that true growth happens and going deep, gives you a much better chance and a more solid foundation to go up really high and to climax.

The deeper you go, the higher the climax.

As you embark on this transformative journey, delve deep into your unique design. This encompasses your values, strengths, and what truly drives you. Aligning your actions with your authentic self is key to creating a climactic business.

Take the time to explore and understand your unique design. What are your core values? What are your innate strengths? What fuels your passions and desires? Your business should reflect the very essence of who you are.

Values are the moral compass of your business. To create a climactic business, you must ensure that your core values align with your business mission. This alignment is essential for staying true to yourself and resonating with your clients and customers.

Consider what values are non-negotiable for you.

How can your business embody and express these values in every interaction and decision?

When your business aligns with your values, it becomes a powerful force for positive change.

Every person possesses unique strengths and talents, it's important to identify where your strengths lie and how you can make the most significant impact in your business. Your unique qualities are your superpowers; use them wisely to achieve your goals.

As you move forward, ask yourself: How can I be most impactful in my business? What unique contributions can I make that will create a profound difference? Recognising and leveraging your strengths will set you on the path to a Climactic Business.

The Power of Enlisting Support - Going Beyond Solo Efforts

It's a common misconception that successful entrepreneurs must go it alone, however the reality is quite the opposite. Climactic Businesses are not built in isolation; they thrive on collaboration and support.

The journey to a Climactic Business is filled with twists and turns. It's essential to recognise that you don't have to navigate this path solo - enlisting the right support can accelerate your growth and success.

Mentoring is not about receiving a set of instructions or being told what to do. It's a dynamic partnership that offers accountability, personalised guidance, and a shortcut to success.

Effective mentoring collapses timelines, increases efficiency, and keeps momentum alive. It's about being seen, heard, and guided through the complex terrain of business and personal growth.

Successful women in business understand that support must encompass the practical, personal, and energetic aspects of their journey.

Practical support involves actionable strategies, tools, and resources to help you achieve your goals. Personal support delves into your individual growth, mindset, and self-mastery. Energetic support taps into the unseen forces that influence your business, aligning your energy with your goals.

One phrase that has no place in the mind of a climactic woman in business is, "I can't afford it." Instead, she embraces the belief that she "can't afford not to."

Investing in yourself and your business is a non-negotiable step on the path to success, it's a commitment to growth, expansion, and transformation. Every woman has the capacity to make magic happen if she chooses to invest in herself.

I know you want this and that's all you need to know.

is that you want to stop going into your head stop overthinking stop saying I can do it myself. Stop saying when this happens then things will change. It's when you decide.

And spoiler alert - it's when you decide to book a call with me that things will start feeling like they're shifting for you.

You don't even have to get to the point of hiring me.

You will already feel a change in your energy from simply deciding to book a call with me.

It happens every single time.

So make that decision. Stop being a little girl, decide to be a woman and decide that this is the year that you are going to make magic by looking at the strategy in your business, the energy in your business and who you are behind closed doors.

In my world, we do all of that and more.

Make 2024 your most Climactic year here

Lauren xo