Lauren White

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What your Authority Energy actually is (and isn't) as a Leader. Let's bust the old Alpha myths.

I am writing to you today from a place of Authority.

I am in my authority. I am of my authority and you are now invited to fully step into yours.

What I'm about to say is for anyone who needs more of their Authority Energy to step up and step into their business, their brand and in the boardroom. And you may even notice a little sprinkling of authority in the bedroom. Or maybe lashings of it...

We are starting today on the note of unravelling.

Before we talk about Authority Energy, you need to unravel from what you think authority is from what you've historically conjured up in your mind as soon as you've heard that word.

Authority has been a dirty word for a long time. It's associated with lawmakers and people who abused positions of power.

That is not what true authority is, and that is not exemplary of people, or women especially that are in the energy of authority. So take that picture from your mind and scrap it burn it in a fire and let it go. That is not what we're talking about.

Today, I’m going to share with you what the Six Energetic Pillars of Authority are when it comes to how you move and how you hold yourself in your work.

Firstly, these are the myths we need to bust about Authority Energy as Female Founders and Leaders…

The first myth about authority is that it's punishing, abrasive, punitive and defensive. It may have been in the past or that may be what you're associate it with, that is not true authority though. That is the old alpha version that lies in the shadows, that comes from a place of weakness, that comes from a place of pure ego, of needing to prove and feel powerful, over someone that is vulnerable or a situation that is vulnerable.

That kind of authority isn't actually authority. It emanates from a place that feels powerless in the individual or in the company or the entity and isn't truly indicative of what authority is.

Authority does not come from the shadows.

True authority acts from a place of maturity and a place of integrity. Clear Authority Energy says: I am the leader.

The second myth is that authority is all about what you do and how you react. Nope, not true. Authority is an energy inside of you, that informs your action. It is responsive where it's required. It doesn't just react, it doesn't just lash out. It gives itself permission to take its time. It knows that if it reacts, then the outcome is not going to be as fruitful for any parties involved, compared to when it takes its time.

Authority is not what you DO. It's WHO you are.

Authority is something that people sense. There is so much in it that is not about your behaviour, and there's a lot of it that is in the unspoken.

The third myth is that authority is all about rules and telling people what to do. No, it isn't.

Authority has standards.

Feel into the difference between rules and standards.

It has standards that it upholds, and it knows that rules and rigidity are not as powerful as holding standards. What authority loves about standards is that they are there and very present in the moment. Should new information come to light, should a new awareness come through, those standards might change.

Rules on the other hand, take far longer to meld and mould and break. And they come with a whole set of ramifications and concrete thinking that: you broke the rules and should be punished.

Standards are far more flexible. So in your authority energy feel into what your standards are, and what you want them to be and question if you're actually holding them.

The fourth myth is that authority means you act like a man. No, it doesn't so get the masculine man in a suit or in a uniform out of your mind. That is an outdated version of authority. That is a conditioned picture of authority.

Women can be in their authority as well, granted, it will look different, I believe it's WAY more powerful (we are multi-orgasumic creatures after all).

Authority invites you to move in this world and be your own version of it. You do not have to radically change your voice to sound like a man, you do not have to dress like a man, you do not have to hold your body like a man you can be in your own version of you, but be in your authority through the clarity of your words and the power and projection of your voice.

The fifth and final myth about authority is that people think that authority means you know it all.

I'm gonna put a twist on that.

It doesn't mean that. What it does mean or what the catch cry of authority is is:

I know what I know and I will continue to learn and I will continue to course correct, and I will continue to seek out new information.

In the moment, authority knows what it knows and that is incredibly powerful. That is not something that women own enough of. Women especially say: I need to know more. When I get this certification when I do this extra qualification. I've done my masters but it's when I do my PhD... It's like always the when the when when, when this happens then my authority will will rise up and then I'll know... That is completely untrue.

You can be in your authority right this minute with everything that is inside of you right this minute. You can be the expert of where you're at right now. Authority does not get caught up in: but I have to know more and then I can prove my authority.

Trust is actually the thing.

Authority trusts that it knows all it needs to know right now, and then when it needs an up-level, or an upgrade, that information will come through that new situation will come through that challenge all of it.

Every time you explain yourself, you justify your actions without even being questioned and you justify your stance, you are losing your authoritative power. Those kinds of habits need to be curbed.

If you want to be in your authority, stop explaining yourself before someone is even questioning what you do or what you believe or... just stop, slow it down.

Whenever you go into justifying or explaining or over apologising, you are being reactive, you are pulling away from your authority energy.

Now that we've busted some myths, we can start delving into the nuggets of gold that being in your authority holds.

I am always learning about authority. So this is by no means the complete, extensive, exhaustive like a director's cut version. But this is a potent taste test for you.

I want to preface this by saying, Yes - we are talking about your energy in work and we're talking about your energy in life. If there's an issue in your energy at work 99% of the time, there is a reflection there for what is going on in your personal life.

So take what I'm about to say and feel into your own experience, and more recent experiences in your work, and where some of those similarities are taking place in your personal life.

Here are the six pillars that you need to know in order to embody the authority in your work.

The first one is...

Want to know the 6 pillars?

Of course you do.

Listen to the full reveal in my much loved podcast episode 59 The Secrets of Your Authority Energy available here on my site or wherever you access exceptional podcasts.

And if you're left wanting more, my free luxe experience: The 10 Days of Turn On for You and Your Business is here to release you from the mainstream ways so that you can play in the echelons of the new femme waves of business and leadership.

Always in your corner,

Lauren xo