Lauren White

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The Bigger your Power, the Bigger the Leaks... Let's PLUG them

The last time I sat down with my audiologist, she was fine-tuning the programming to work for my specific condition and she said something that still pops into my brain months later.

She said: The more power we put into your devices, the bigger the leaks.

(For context, in the hearing world, that leak is feedback when someone or something is close to our devices - that eeeeee sound you hear when you hug someone).

When she said it, I not only heard what she said about my devices but my mind did a morphing wobble. That sensation happens when I learn something that wants to be integrated and shared with the world.

This is how what my audiologist said applies to you.

You have POWER. So much of it. You are the power and so much of it it is leaking out of you and not in the ways you are choosing it to.

Today, we are going to plug you power leaks.

I've talked recently about how you feel you're too much and how that causes you to leak your power.

I've referenced the old, stale, not enough script multiple times in my posts and articles here.

And now, we're calling it - it's your time to plug the leaks and experience more in life, love and leadership.

Leak #1 Shapeshifting to try and control how people see you. You want to be seen as nice.

This is a leak from your HEART and the energy of SOVEREIGNTY is the plug.

Come in closer...I want to tell you something revelatory.

Nice isn't nice.

Nice is a mask.

A mask you've had to wear out of self-protection.

No more.

We are removing this sticky one and instead choosing to show up in every aspect of life already believing that we are whole. Sovereign.

In our Sovereignty, it's our honesty that is the kindest course of action. Not nice. Kind.

We plug leaks with our honesty before they take on a life of our own and we're leaking energy trying to clean up. Trying to say no down the track when we could have said it in the very beginning.

Plug this one by slowing down your knee jerk reactions, taking an expansive breath or shaking out your limbs and asking yourself: Do I want to be nice and use my precious energy to clean up a mess later OR do I want to take the kind course of action now by being honest and clear?

Leak #2 Justifying, proving and convincing in words and actions.

This is a leak from your THROAT and the energy of MAGNETISM is the plug.

In both your personal and professional life. This is one of the most prevalent power leak that I work with when private clients and Embodied Authority (my program for service based biz) mentees come into my sphere.

At some point, you learnt that it wasn't safe to just say something as it is and as it stands and you needed to cushion everything you say with extra words to make others more comfortable. Yet what you've overlooked is your own comfort, alignment and ability to speak your truth without diluting it.

Plug this one by completing sentences in a way that says - this is the thing. This is what we can do. This is what I am available for. Do you want it? Full stop and without asking: Does that make sense? or Are you OK with that? at the end.

You'll start to magnetise what and who you want to be in your orb effortlessly.

Leak #3 Thinking that more hard work and more structured exercise and discipline will give you a feeling of MORE that is intangible to you.

This is a leak from your PELVIS and the energy of SENSUALITY is the plug.

More structure. More discipline. More work. This will all give you THE feeling, right?

That climactic, elusive feeling of satisfaction. Success. Peace.

It might. It could. And it probably won't. This one is a major gamble for your nervous system. You might get there but you'll be so frayed and frazzled you can't feel the feeling.

What happened?

What did you do wrong?

It isn't that you did anything wrong, it's that you missed the point.

The point of LIFE and being ALIVE.

You missed the point that feeling excited and having fun and experiencing pleasure is what your beautiful body is primed for.

You forgot is all.

Let me entice you to re-member. 

If you are seeking an intimate, safe AND Powerful space to explore all of who you are with me as your guide and Mentor...

Then I invite you to work with me privately to experience a Climax like no other.

Your Power - it's BIG.

Let's plug the leaks so you can experience always in all ways - access ALL areas.

Lauren xo