Lauren White

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8 things Expert MD's need to know right now to cross their own threshold...

MD's at the helm - I see you and I hear what MORE you desire. For the last 3 years in particular you've shown up to the work in ways that have instigated impact that would make the mainstream sweat.

You've trusted me with your truth and shared things you've never told anyone. I'm grateful. Deeply.

What's written here feels like the first of a series of love letters I could write to you. And if you're just meeting me for the first time - welcome. I'm Lauren White and I hold the ones that do all the holding. The ones that require complete discretion and a tactful approach to the concerns they can't whisper elsewhere.

Put plainly, when Doctors and Healthcare Leaders are fed up with being out of touch with their aliveness, they find me. And now, I invite you to declare that it's your time to step into your next frontier, embrace a whole new operating system, and be ALL of you. You are seen. You are heard. You are supported.

The following is a love letter to the creme de la creme of modern medicine who are sick of their own sh*t and want MORE from life, love and leadership.


Your job title is a role you inhabit. It doesn't describe or define who you are. What it does do is it tells the world what you love (or once loved) and how you spend a good chunk of your time. Yes, having the title Dr is sexy AF AND it isn't all of you. It's an aspect of you.

Know who you are. Say: I belong to me.


The word BURNOUT no longer applies to you. From this moment forward, you are no longer curious about being complicit in running yourself into the ground and being all available to everyone alllll of the time and saying: it's fine. The only thing you're actually fine about and on fire for is your libido and lust for life.

Be on fire. Not burnt to a crisp.


You are so much more powerful than who you are when you're nodding and smiling and playing nice. We're talking infinitely powerful.

Get curious about who you are underneath the mask of nice and you'll get answers to questions you didn't even know you had.

You're kind. Not nice.


You need alone time like you need air. Claim it. And we're not talking an hour here or there. You need minimum 2 nights away periodically where you inhabit no roles but simply be you and your first name in your version of luxury.

Unplug from everyone and everything. Maybe even forget your name. Come home to you.


You're niche so work within a niche that reflects the niche that is you. And then niche it again - create your own Uber niche if you have to. Then be selective about who you see with what presenting concerns and when. Then lean back and love on the ease & flow of your work & business. Write a book about said Uber niche and please send me an autographed copy STAT.

The personal riches are in the niches. 


Ruffle stagnant feathers and SPEAK. Stop toeing an invisible line created by a ruddy white guy. Let us hear you speak on podcasts and stages and socials. Let us hear you as unfiltered as possible. Let us hear you grant us permission to see our own health as a multi-dynamic jewel that needs tonnes of heart and lashings of truth to thrive in this Wild West of a world.

You are the MD we've been waiting for.


No, not the patriarchal system of antiquated authority you escaped from to do your own thing. You are the authority of you and your body of work. You know it intimately, explicitly. Stop softening the way you speak to it and position it. Your work turns us on when you're turned on about it. Hold your body in a firm yet fluid stance and remind yourself how there is no one in this world that knows EXACTLY what you know.

I am one in 8 billion that has acquired specific information to weave it into a glorious web that creates cataclysmic impact on every level.


You can't. 

You've tried.

You can't.

Stop trying.

No longer curious.

Just stop.

That's enough.

It's boring.

Let go. Be held. 

Repeat: when I am lusciously and expertly supported, I am the way shower for my clients who also require the medicine of support. I am congruent and have broken free of patriarchal 'Do as I say, not as I do'. 

MD's - if you yearned to hear this, then SHARE it with an esteemed colleague who you know needs and to hear it too.

And if we're only just meeting for the first time, welcome and be sure to learn what is inevitable for you when you explore what it’s like to take the first Climactic step.

Lauren xo